Are you planning to lose weight? How do you do it? Would you like to follow the fad diet? You don't need to waste your money for this non effective way of losing weight. This health and dieting article help to show you ten simple dieting principles. Once you understand the basics of weight loss, maintaining your weight loss can be easy! Although there can be big differences between various approaches to weight loss, all effective weight-loss programs incorporate the same basic principles. If your goal is to reduce your weight or body fat, you need to consider the following principle:


Set Realistic Goals

When you have to lose a significant amount of weight, you may set goals that are unrealistic, such as trying to lose too much too fast. Don't set yourself up for failure. Set daily or weekly goals for exercise and weight loss. Make small changes in your diet instead of attempting drastic changes that you're not likely to stick with for the long haul. Challenge yourself by setting short-term and long-term goals and celebrate every success. Do not rush to lose 10 kgs at once. Stick to 1 or 1.5 kgs a week. Shoot for realistic weight loss goals like 1-2 pounds a week. You also need to set your mind that you need to do whatever it takes to reach your goals. If your mind is not set, a great possibly would be that you will not be able to continue. All of your efforts would be of waste. Are you a dieter who's interested in quick weight loss that is easy to maintain? It's all about setting dieting goals and understanding certain basic dieting principles. The United States' federal government says, "Successful weight loss and healthy weight management depend on sensible goals and expectations. If you set sensible goals for yourself, chances are you'll be more likely to meet them and have a better chance of keeping the weight off"

Create a Calorie Deficit

If you are a newbie to dieting or just trying to lose weight for the first time, it is important for you to understand how weight loss works so you can achieve your goals. Weight loss occurs by burning off more calories than you consume on a daily basis. This is referred to as a "caloric deficit." Exercise can help increase the amount of calories you burn, but lowering calories in your diet is usually a more efficient way to create a caloric deficit. This can be done healthfully by eating low-calorie foods in place of high-calorie foods and not eating more than a serving size during meals. A food that packs a lot of calories in a small area is said to have high caloric density. Because water and dietary fiber are non-caloric, foods that contain a lot of water and/or fiber tend to have low caloric density. Generally speaking, processed foods are calorically dense, while fruits and vegetables, with their high water and fiber content, are less dense. By reducing the number of calories you are consuming every day, it will result in the activation of your metabolic pathways. These new pathways will support you in your weight loss. This is why it is highly recommended that you should reduce calorie intake.

Maintain or Increase your Metabolic Rate

One of the most common mistakes that dieters make is to get excited or impatient with their diet and reduce their caloric intake too far. If you do that, your body will respond by lowering your metabolic rate and slowing your weight loss. According to studies; if you try to lose weight with diets that are very low in calories, then your metabolism slows down. Diets that are very low on calories can decrease your metabolic rate by 20-30% and even up 45%. To prevent this downward adjustment of your metabolism, make smaller changes to your eating habits. Your patience will pay off in terms of more consistent weight loss, more energy, and fewer cravings. For the best results, add exercise to your plan. We all know that exercise burns calories while doing it. We now know that exercise actually “ups” your metabolism for up to 9 hours after a workout – meaning that you will be burning more calories per hour than if you hadn’t exercised at all. Basically it is another bonus that comes from exercise!

Improve your Nutrient Balance

Typically when we think of weight loss, we think of restricting calories. But losing weight isn't just about cutting calories, as a low-calorie diet can do more harm than good if you aren't getting the right nutrients. A balanced diet includes protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. In weight management, your diet should include all these nutrients. The nutrients you eat can play a vital role in weight loss. Specific nutrients can actually help to flip an internal switch that signals cells throughout your body to burn more calories, wasting many of those calories as heat. Without these important nutrients, the opposite happens. Your body holds onto fat. Your metabolism slows and your weight-loss efforts become an exercise in futility. Nutrient imbalances of various sorts can lead to weight gain, and conversely, improving nutrient balance can facilitate weight loss.  The important thing to remember is to eat natural and nutrient-dense foods as well as whole foods that the body understands how to use to properly.

Keep a Record of What You Eat

Self-monitoring strategies are a key habit for long-term weight management. There is no magic involved in fat loss. Long-term weight loss requires that you pay attention to your weight, keeping a written record of what you eat and how much you exercise is part of self-monitoring and makes it more likely that you will succeed. Keeping a food diary is the best way to keep on top of what you're eating. In other words, monitor the intake of food and drink. This can help you remain accountable for your eating and exercise habits. You can discover behavior that may be holding you back and, conversely, what works well for you. You can also use the journal to track other important health parameters such as blood pressure and cholesterol levels and overall fitness. It is interesting to note that researchers have found that you are 30 times more likely to achieve your goals when they are written down.

Coordinate Energy Intake with Energy Expenditure

Morning is a time of relatively high caloric demand. Calories consumed in the morning are more likely than calories consumed later in the day to be used for energy than stored as fat. Never skip your breakfast because breakfast is the most important meal of the day." But, when you're dieting, it's especially true. Eating a healthy breakfast will speed up your metabolism and make it work harder. Even skipping one day of breakfast can slow your metabolism. Plus, when you eat a good breakfast, you're less likely to overeat at lunch or eat unhealthy snack foods. Eating smaller meals more frequently (five or six times a day) is another proven way to better coordinate food intake with energy needs. A variety of hormonal changes occur after eating huge meals. By eating more frequent and smaller meals, the body's metabolic furnace is always running hot. This results in more fat and calories being burned throughout the day.

Increase General Physical Activity

The more active you are, the more calories you burn,  Someone who increases the amount of their activity levels, but maintains the same diet and calorie intake, will almost certainly lose weight. Increasing your physical activity level will help you boost your calorie burn and lose weight.  Every single time you exercise more than usual, you burn calories and fat. There are lots of ways to increase the amount of activity you do. Team sports, racket sports, aerobics classes, running, walking, swimming and cycling will all improve your fitness levels. Losing weight takes a lot of effort to be processed, it would require you to hit the gym almost daily, but if you are not comfortable with the environment and noise a gym-even light exercise, such as a short 20 minute walk, will be beneficial if done most days of the week, find a hobby that helps get you moving. There are plenty of exciting and fun sports and recreational activities that you can add to your schedule that will help you lose those extra calories. Find some sports that you like or recreational activities such as hiking that help you lose calories besides your regular workouts.

Clean Up Your Diet

When it comes to lose weight, one should have a clear knowledge of what to eat and what to avoid. No weight loss diet can succeed without restriction of the foods that are most responsible for creating large body fat stores. Eat salads, vegetables and fruits that have natural benefits to body, e.g. Junk food, sweets, carbonated soda, unhealthy fats and overly processed foods all end up around our midsection as belly fat. Simple refined carbohydrates such as crackers and white bread are some of the worst food choices. Avoid alcohol, excessive caffeine and fruit juice or soda pop. Artificially sweetened drinks come with their own set of side effects and can actually worsen dehydration.


Long-term weight loss seems to require being consistent in both exercise and diet, as well as self-monitoring. Remember that short-term diets produce only short-term results. The only successful way to keep the weight off is to make small but permanent changes in your lifestyle. There is growing evidence that the more consistent you are in your wholesome eating habits, the greater your chances of maintaining a healthy body weight.  Whatever positive result you gained from your weight loss program maintain it! Do not ever stop even if you have reached your goals already. It is better to maintain than to regret later. Coincidentally, this is also the best way to improve your health. Be prepared for a long-term commitment, a belief in change, and a new lifestyle. Weight loss will not only help you to feel emotionally and physically better, but it will also save you money by lowering health and life insurance costs.


Weight loss is serious business. Treat it that way. Lasting weight loss is a slow process and it's all too easy to give up before you reach your goal. With the right motivational tools your chances of diet success can be greatly improved. If you have enough nutritional knowledge and a whole lot of motivation you can sort out your own lifestyle change. The key to staying motivated is  similar to fuel in a car—you don't need the motivation tank to be full to drive; you just need to prevent it from running empty, If you notice that your motivation is waning, give yourself a break from your diet or exercise plan for one to three days, "The problem with motivation is that the more people try to ‘catch' it, the more elusive it becomes; by allowing it to run its natural course and at the same time having a set of habit-changing skills (such as a meal plan for the week), you'll stay on track and your motivation levels will run their natural course." Having confidence and positive mental health about your body is a great way to stay motivated about your weight loss regimen. One of the best ways to stay motivated throughout your weight loss journey is to reward yourself with non-food rewards that you will look forward to and enjoy. Keeping an eye on your progress will keep you motivated and seeing your long-term progress will boost your motivation.  When motivation to stick to your new eating and exercise habits wanes, and a quick glance in the mirror doesn't do the trick, considering the many health risks of obesity probably will get you going. By maintaining a healthier weight, you are more likely to live a longer life with fewer medical problems. Wearing a smaller size is just the icing on the cake; a happier, healthier life is the ultimate reward.


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