Hypertension or high blood pressure is a state in which the blood pressure raises in the arteries. And because of this, the workload on the heart raises to pump the blood through blood vessels.
High blood pressure or hypertension is one of the most common diseases found in adults. And it’s a fact that majority of the people won’t be able to notice or know that they have high blood pressure for years together. High blood pressure is a silent killer. You can have high blood pressure without noticing because this disease doesn’t make you feel bad or slow you down. But high blood pressure increases your risk of heart attack, congestive heart failure, stroke and kidney disease.
A healthy, balanced diet plays a major role in blood pressure control. By eating a healthy diet and making necessary lifestyle changes, one can control hypertension. For the people, who suffer from high blood pressure, the good news is that there are different types of vitamins and minerals that can lower down the levels of blood pressure within a very short span of time. Ideally, you'll want to get the right amount of these nutrients through diet alone. Try to obtain the vitamins and minerals from vegetables and fruits, rather than supplements as the vitamins and minerals are required in small amounts.


Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an essential nutrient that plays a major role in many metabolic reactions in the human body. Vitamin C can be used to lower the high blood pressure and prevent any kind of heart disease. The arteries are protected by vitamin C and therefore the risks of heart diseases and hypertension are reduced with the intake of vitamin C. Vitamin C also functions as an antioxidant, which protect the cells from free radicals. So this antioxidant vitamin has been shown to lower blood pressure in people with mild to moderate hypertension. 
According to the studies, by taking vitamin C supplements one can reduce the systolic and diastolic blood pressure that can help in treating hypertension. By taking a daily dose of vitamin C about 500 mg, can significantly reduce the hypertension, but consult your doctor for appropriate dosage.

Natural Sources of Vitamin C

Fruits that are pack with vitamin C are: Cantaloupe, Plums, Black Currant, Kiwi, Orange, Melon, Banana, Avocado, Guava, Strawberries, Papaya, all kinds of Berries, and Citrus fruits. And vegetables are Tomatoes, Potatoes, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, Red and Green Bell Peppers, Cabbage, and Spinach. Sweet Red peppers have more than three times the vitamin C of Orange juice.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is an important vitamin that helps in strengthening of bones and enhances the immune system. People deficient in vitamin D are more likely to have high blood pressure and even heart disease. This vitamin is concerned with maintenance of blood pressure and metabolism of glucose.
Blood pressure reduction is one of the many extraordinary health benefits of vitamin D. Hypertension can be controlled by taking vitamin D supplements or through food sources.

Natural Sources of Vitamin D

Vitamin D is not available in as many foods as other antioxidant vitamins. You can get vitamin D from two natural sources: through the skin, and from the diet. Natural sources include saltwater and fatty fish, such as salmon, tuna, mackerel, sardines and fish liver oil. Other sources are shrimps, liver, egg yolks, cheese, soy and rice beverages, fortified orange juice, margarine and milk with vitamin D.
Vitamin D is sometimes called the sunshine vitamin because your body produces a critical form of vitamin D -- vitamin D3 -- when your skin is exposed to sunlight. Ultraviolet radiation from the sun stimulates production of vitamin D in human skin, and just a few minutes (15 minutes a day is generally enough) of exposure to sunlight each day (without sunscreen) will insure your body is producing adequate amounts of vitamin D.

Vitamin E

Studies indicate that the vitamin E can be helpful in lowering your blood pressure. Vitamin E improves the blood pressure status and also decreases the risk of having a stroke. Vitamin E is said to be the most active anti-oxidant and therefore, it is able to fight the fatty cells of the body in an active manner. The effects of oxidized cholesterol are avoided by the use of vitamin E that protects the arteries from such effects.
The heart diseases have been found to reduce at a considerable degree because of the use of vitamin E in daily diet of the people suffering from heart diseases and hypertension. Vitamin E helps the heart muscle use oxygen more efficiently which lower the level of effort required from the heart. It also helps to control high blood pressure during pregnancy.

Natural Sources of Vitamin E

Food sources of vitamin E, which may keep you healthy, include Sunflower seeds, Almonds, Hazelnuts, Peanuts and other raw nuts and seeds are excellent sources of natural vitamin E. Other good sources are Cold-pressed vegetable oils (soybean, corn, cottonseed, safflower), liver; egg yolks ,wheat germ oil, whole-grain products, dried beans, legumes, corn and asparagus, Leafy green vegetables Swiss chard, cooked spinach and other dark leafy greens Swiss Chard, Turnip Greens, Sweet potatoes, Avocados, papaya, peaches, prunes, tomatoes, cabbage, asparagus Bell Peppers, Dried Apricots and Blueberries.

Vitamin B2

Vitamin B2 or riboflavin is an essential micro-nutrient required for maintaining overall health. It is mainly required for cellular processes and energy metabolism in the body. It is scientifically proves that vitamin B2 reduces the high blood pressure to such a remarkable extent.
By consuming more amounts of vitamin B2, one can greatly lower the blood pressure those with genetic tendency, as concluded in a research. In-addition to this, vitamin B2 can be used to improve the cardiovascular health and reduce the risk of heart disease.
Doctors also recommend vitamin B2 for high blood pressure because of the fact that vitamin B2 can act as a substitute for anti-drug treatment. Diet rich in vitamin B2 is recommended for those people who are suffering with high blood pressure.

Natural Sources of Vitamin B-2

B2 is found in enriched bread, dairy products, milk, yoghurt, cottage cheese, wholegrain breads and cereals, egg white, almonds, wheat germ, millet, meat, yeast, liver, kidney and enriched refined grains. It is also a good idea to eat leafy green vegetables containing this vitamin, add asparagus, broccoli and spinach to your diet.

Vitamin B9 (Folic acid)

Folic Acid is generally known as Vitamin B9. Folic acid is a B complex vitamin that is very much important for red blood cells in the body.  Folic acid along with vitamin B12 play an important role in the formation of blood cells. There are many scientific evidences to prove that vitamin B12 can reduce the high blood pressure by controlling the levels of homocysteine in blood.
Folic acid is sometimes given as an alternative treatment for hypertension because of its effects on the arterial walls. There is some evidence that accumulation of the amino acid homocysteine in the blood can damage these walls. Folic acid, typically given in combination with vitamins B6 or B12, reduces homocysteine levels.

Natural Sources of Vitamin B 9 

Food that are rich in folate include vegetables that are leafy & dark green in color lettuce, spinach, collards, broccoli, dried beans, garbanzo beans, lentils, peas, and oranges, Liver, Sunflower Seeds, Dry Roasted Soybeans, Asparagus, Peanuts, Walnuts, Cress, Brie cheese and almonds.  Some foods, such as orange juice, are fortified with folic acid.



This mineral helps balance the amount of salt in the body so the heart and blood pressure remain normal. Potassium helps to balance the fluids in your body and keeps sodium levels in the body from getting too high. Since an excess amount of sodium can be a cause of high blood pressure, the potassium is vital to balancing that out and keeping blood pressure at a safe level.
Normal body levels of potassium are important for muscle function, including relaxing the walls of the blood vessels. This lowers blood pressure and protects against muscle cramping. Normal potassium levels also are important for the conduction of electrical signals in the nervous system and in the heart. This protects against an irregular heartbeat.
Conditions that deplete potassium include excessive salt, prolonged diarrhea or vomiting, and the use of diuretics or cortisone-like medications, alcohol, coffee, and sugar. People with digestive diseases may also have low potassium levels.
Studies have shown that a diet rich in potassium can help to lower the Systolic pressure by approximately seven points and the diastolic pressure down approximately three points.

Natural Sources of Potassium

Best sources  of potassium include:  banana, fresh broccoli, avocado, Brussels sprouts, spinach, parsley, mint leaves, cauliflower, potatoes (with skins), tomatoes, cantaloupe, dates, orange juice, prunes and raisins.  Also, meat, milk legumes, beans, peas, pistachios, wheat germ, sunflower seeds, chickpeas, almonds, sesame seeds and Brazil nuts, peanuts, pecans figs, papayas, dried apricots, guavas, peaches, beans of any type and dark green leafy vegetables.


Magnesium is a first line protector for your cardiac system. Specifically, it regulates enzymes which relax blood vessels and control the action of your heart muscle.
This mineral has a strong link to high blood pressure, especially in older men. In fact, out of the 615 men studied in one trial, those consuming more of this mineral in their diet had consistently lower blood pressure.
One of the reasons you may have an elevated blood pressure is due to a deficiency in magnesium. Magnesium works to regulate chemical reactions which take place in the body. It helps calcium in muscle contraction and blood clotting. You must make sure to get enough magnesium every day (420mg per day for men and 320mg per day for women) or you body will begin to take magnesium from your bones to make sure it has enough.
Magnesium helps regulate hundreds of body systems, including blood pressure, blood sugar, and muscle and nerve function. We need magnesium to help blood vessels relax, and for energy production, bone development, and transporting calcium and potassium. Just like potassium, too much magnesium can be lost in urine due to diuretic use, leading to low magnesium levels.

Natural Sources of Magnesium

Leafy green vegetables such as spinach and broccoli, almonds, Brazil nuts, peanuts, hazelnuts, cashews, sunflower seeds and other seeds, halibut, shrimp, whole-wheat bread, milk, Whole grain products, lima beans, black-eyed peas, soybeans, legumes, avocados, bananas, and kiwifruit.


While calcium is known for helping to strengthen bones and teeth, it also has the benefit of helping to maintain a healthy blood pressure. Calcium is important for healthy blood pressure because it helps blood vessels tighten and relax when they need to. It's also crucial for healthy bones and the release of hormones and enzymes we need for most body functions.
Calcium also helps with muscle contractions, nerve transmission, relaxation and blood clotting, all of which are related to high blood pressure. Calcium works best to lower blood pressure in pregnant women. A possible side effect of calcium is that too much of it may increase the risk of prostate cancer in men.

Natural Sources of Calcium

Dairy products such as milk, cheese, and yogurt – low-fat ones are best, and it doesn't matter if they come from cows or other animals, for example goats, skimmed and semi-skimmed milk contains more calcium than full-fat milk. Fortified products such as cereals, oats, orange juice, tofu and soya milk. Fish with the bones such as tinned sardines and salmon, Calcium also found in some nuts, seeds and dried fruits. Calcium is present in leafy green vegetables watercress, beans and chickpeas, some dark green leafy vegetables especially spinach, rhubarb, turnip and mustard greens, kale, Chinese cabbage, and broccoli.
Coral Calcium: Coral calcium is a natural source of Calcium obtained from sea corals. Coral calcium helps to increase bone mass and thereby helping your bones to grow in length. The younger you are, greater are the results of increasing bone mass through Coral calcium.


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